16 Jun What to pack when leaving for University Accommodation?
The ever-important question, what do I pack! And no matter who you ask the answers will differ.
Start by thinking about the top 5 categories: Kitchen essentials, Bedroom items, Wardrobe, Electronics and important documents.
Got your list together… Great, now think about how you’re going to get it there. Car? Train? Plane? Tricky isn’t it!
Well, Prime are here to help. Today we’re launching our online shop in partnership with Unpacked – the first choice for students needing essential items for University. What can you get, I hear you ask?
From your kitchen essentials, to wardrobe storage, lie-in worthy bedding, and cleaning products which we guarantee are cruelty free – you’ll find everything you need on our new shop. Don’t worry you won’t need any kettles and toasters as these are already included in your rent with Prime Student Living.
Shop stress free by either choosing our all-in packs, or you can go bespoke and choose your items individually. Rest assured, the bedding comes in sizes for our beds (check with your property team if unsure or drop us an email) and all the pans are suitable for our hobs.
Personalise the packs to suit you – all our bedding and accessories come with an array of options; a perfect way to bring that bit of you into your new room!
Your order will be delivered straight to your room and will be ready and waiting for you at check in!
Not only are the prices great, the quality amazing, but we’ve also negotiated FREE delivery to Prime Student Living properties – win, win!
Of course the essentials are a no brainer, but here are our top three extras…
- Personal Blender. Start your mornings with a smoothie, or have a caffeine hit with a fancy mocha frappé. Be that person who makes frozen margaritas on a Friday afternoon! This blender will get the job done and saves counter space too!
- Giant Waffle Charcoal Throw. Sofa session? Snoozing in bed? The perfect way to get cozy in style. Not snuggling? It looks super stylish draped over your bed too.
- Command Hanging Strips. The perfect product to enable you to put your style on your walls without damage. Don’t risk your deposit, choose these!
Happy shopping!
Shop here: www.unpacked.co.uk/prime-portal