17 Nov Save the Planet – Wrap Yourself Up
DECEMBER – Wrap up warm
As the days are colder, it seems like an easy solution to pop the heating on high to be as toasty as possible. However, this small action has a detrimental impact on the environment. With over 15% of the UK’s planet-warming gases coming from heating our homes, we have been encouraged by the Committee on Climate Change to reduce thermostats to 19 degrees, even in winter. Their report claims that if all homes did this it would make a significant contribution to reducing the carbon emissions of the UK.
What you can do:
- Set your thermostat no higher than the recommended 19 degrees, should you need it on
- Wrap up warm in your favourite jumper if you’re feeling chilly
- During the winter months use a heavier tog duvet
- Winter = hot chocolate season, so treat yourself to one (or many)
- Turn down your thermostat when you leave for the day
- Keep your bedroom door closed to keep heat in your room
- Keep windows closed
Other reasons to wrap yourself up:
- You will get a better night’s sleep. When your room is cooler, your body will not take as long to get to its required temperature for your brain to fall asleep meaning you’ll fall asleep faster and get a more restful night’s sleep.
- Your fridge/freezer won’t have to work as hard, meaning you save even more energy.
- Homes lose heat more slowly if the temperature is lower meaning that your room will stay warmer for longer.
- Your plants will live longer as they’ll be cool enough to require less water, so no need to worry if you regularly forget to water them. Anyone guilty of that? Oops!
Wrapping up warm and keeping your home cool can really help the planet. In just over 100 years, the planet has warmed by 1 degree which may not sound like a lot it is a huge concern. Want to find out more? Check out Nasa’s interactive report: